Attention torrenters: Six strikes anti-piracy law goes into effect
"The internet has become an essential part of living in the 21st century, it uses public infrastructure and it is time we treat it as a public utility. The electric company has no say over what you power with their service, the ISPs have no right to decide what you can and can not download". He went on to say that while he believes copyright infringement is unethical, it is not surprising that as the law evolves to disrespect the public domain, that the public would grow to disrespect copyrights. - Carl Bermanson, New Jersey gubernatorial candidate On Monday, AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon began rolling out the Copyright Alert System , aka "six strikes." This escalating series of alerts replaces the RIAA and MPAA's previous copyright enforcement schemes, which focused primarily on suing college students, grandmothers, and dead people (not necessarily in that order). A first Alert means that an owner of copyrighted ...