Is Microsoft spying on you via Skype?
Summary : Some new numbers reveal the degree to which Skype surveillance has increased since leaving Luxembourg; Europe finds privacy violations in Microsoft M icrosoft has tried to catch up with Google on some transparency and based on numbers from Microsoft, in 2012 Microsoft and Skype got a total of 75,378 law enforcement requests, potentially impacting 137,424 accounts. US laws mean that Microsoft needed to comply. Skype , originally a European product, is in US hands now, through Microsoft. Microsoft offers no privacy and the Microsoft booster says that US law enforcement is the biggest recipient of Microsoft customer data . A few months back the EU investigated Microsoft for privacy violations . To quote: “Bloomberg reports that Microsoft’s recent service agreement update to its online services has caught the eye of data privacy watchdogs in the EU. The data protection commission, led by Luxembourg and France, sent a letter to Microsoft CEO Steve...