Are Aliens real? Canadian Defence Secretary says so

It's not necessarily shocking to hear somebody claim that at least four different species of aliens have visited the Earth, for thousands of years. But it is somewhat more shocking when that person was once in charge of much of Canada's military, Paul Hellyer. In a wild interview with Russia Today, the former Canadian Minister of National Defense said that aliens would give us more technology if we would be less warlike. As it is, they are concerned about the effects our nukes might have on the universe.

There has been more alien activity since the first nuclear bombs were detonated in 1945, he said. "They are very much afraid we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again and that would be very bad for us and them as well." If we were more peaceful, they would be more willing to share their technology with us, he said. According to his website, in September 2005 Hellyer "became the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally 'UFO's are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.'"
Luckily, most of the aliens are benign or want to help us, though one or two might mean us harm, Hellyer said. Some of the aliens actually look like people, and two female aliens recently visited Las Vegas dressed as nuns and were not detected, he claimed. Perhaps they wouldn't have gotten away with that stunt in, say, Omaha.

Here’s a breakdown of Hellyer's claims:

  • There are at least four types of alien species, and they have been visiting earth for thousands of years.
  • The different species probably have different agendas and should not be considered as one entity.
  • One of the species is called the Tall Whites. Hellyer claims that two of them are working with the United States.
  • There are live E.T.s on earth at this present time.
  • A cabal formed by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, and The Trilateral Commission, the international banking cartel, the oil cartel, and select members of the military are planning to create one world government. They are the ones supressing the information about aliens from the public.

But of course, this most recent extraterrestrial testimony isn’t Paul’s first involvement with the alien awareness movement. In 2005, as part of his 40+ year crusade to let the world know about aliens, he confessed to a Toronto audience that he had once seen a UFO with his wife and friends. Two years after, Paul asked for public disclosure from world governments on alien technology that could potentially save us.
So yes, Paul’s ideas might be a little out there, but his resume certainly lends some credence to his assertions. But it's his mention of the Tall Whites that specifically piqued my interest. Who are these guys? What are they up to? Anyone who has researched the Tall Whites will know that former airman Dr. Charles Hall is the go-to expert in the field. Dr. Hall spent two years working as a weather observer on a military base in the Nevada Desert. That is, of course, where the Tall Whites live. Charles says they travel through space in egg-shaped pods, because that’s simply a more efficient way to speed across deep space. Some intrepid believers were able to spot large egg-like objects on Google Earth in the precise location where Hall said the Tall Whites lived. Which means that these guys totally exist!

UFO Disclosure - Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer talks about exterrestrial contact. from Hans Fleischer on Vimeo.


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